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We marry proprietary data submitted by companies with predictive algorithms that score companies. So you can make sense of an increasingly fragmented, messy and noisy technology landscape.
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880,000+ subscribers. Industry-leading events. Research on every corner of tech. We’ve got access to the tech market no one else can touch.
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It’s all in our Execution and Market Strength Vendor Positioning Matrix reports.
No B.S. No jargon. Just a list of the companies that can solve your exact business challenge and our estimate of their ability to deliver.
View success storyWe use CB Insights in almost every deal somewhere along the way…we’ve rarely gotten on the phone with a company that we haven’t researched on CB Insights.
James Loftus Global Ecosystem Lead, Block
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Our Mosaic Score will tell you who those vendors are.
Compare and contrast potential vendors with the score that predicts a company’s success or failure.
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